Simplified Identity Verification

Routinely supplying identity documentation to numerous organisations can increase the chance of identity crime

AuthNTick verifies you are "who you say"

Auth N Tick identity verification process involves

  • Local or remote sighting of original identity documents
  • Collection of a photograph or a biometric
  • Verification of the legitimacy of an identity document
Driving License Verification
Customer KYC

Know your Customer (KYC) Verification

Auth N Tick helps businesses meet regulatory compliance including KYC and AML, and tie the digital identity to the physical world.

Our solution fully integrates into your website or mobile app by leveraging advanced technology including biometric facial recognition and machine learning.

With Auth N Tick you won't have to go through the laborious process of proving yourself every time

Identity verification service offers

ID Verification

ID Verification

We turn any webcam or mobile phone into a secure ID reader by enabling you to take a picture and verify your driver’s licence or passport

Identity Verification

Identity Verification

We verify applicant information that is associated with the identity of a real person

Document Verification

Document Verification

We verify applicants identifying information with a government record

Biometrics verification

  • Customer is asked to scan their ID document
  • ID is authenticated against image captured during enrolment with selfie or passport photo
  • Customer facial image is compared with face in ID document
  • Biometric facial recognition ensures the person is actually present
  • Facial recognition system validates ID
Biometric Verification

Auth N Tick case study

IdentityIdentity check

George, 24, worked for a large company in the resources sector. He came from Europe and had been in Australia for six months. Although quiet initially, he soon started talking about starving people, and weather changes that would cause massive tsunamis that would drown half the world.


George’s workmates wondered why he worked for the company—he didn’t seem interested in the good wages, and he didn’t seem to approve of digging into the ground for valuable resources. This wasn’t something they thought much about, but they did notice that their supervisor treated George’s talk with derision.

One morning, George’s colleagues arrived at work to find that the company’s equipment had been spray painted, its tyres slashed, and its engines clogged with sand. They also found George and two friends chained to a mine entrance, with what they said were bombs in their backpacks. George demanded that the company cease operations immediately and give 80 percent of last year’s profits to charity. He said the company was committing environmental terrorism.

After hours of negotiation, the police removed George and his friends. Although they discovered that the bombs were crude hoaxes, the company lost more than $4 million in damaged equipment and lost operating time. The company then spent $1.25 million on an immediate upgrade to its security and lost 4 percent of its share value as investors lost confidence in management. George and his friends were each tried, convicted and sentenced.


The matter was referred to the police.

During the investigation, it was revealed that George was a well-known environmental activist in his homeland and had sought to work at the company with the intention of sabotaging its operations. The police records in his home country had environmental conviction records.

Georgecould not be tracked down. Police soon found that he had given a false name to the company when he was recruited and that most of the details on his CV were either misleading or false. Police discovered his true identity, but unfortunately, Georgehad left the country.

What checks are missed for George?

  • Identity Verification
  • Periodic Checks
  • Police Checks
  • Qualification Checks

What checks apply to George?

  • Identity Verification


Simple, Fast and Secure digital transformation and user experience

We have replaced the old 100 point identity verifications with AI, and you no longer need certified copies of identity documentation.